
About Me

I was born and raised in Oklahoma. I received a Bachelor of Science in Education with Minors in Mathematics and Psychology. I am currently working towards my Master's in Educational Leadership. After completing college I moved to Arizona and started my journey to get certified. I became a certified substitute while I took a couple classes that Arizona required and waited to take state tests. I was a contract substitute for a charter school in southern Arizona. Most of my students were Spanish speaking and most parents did not communicate in English. It was a high-poverty district and I absolutely LOVED it!! I worked there for an entire year and felt like one of the faculty because of how often I was there. I stayed in Arizona for two years when I decided to move back to Oklahoma. I substituted for a year and then found a full-time teaching position...Algebra I.

I taught Algebra I last year with very little technology. The school was small and didn't have the funds for smart boards or anything like that. I did have a document camera which I used quite often. I was offered a teaching position for a larger school that has a 1:1 classroom for freshmen teachers. I took the job and started my second year of teaching. I have a promethean board with tablet and activslate. I am very eager to teach with technology in my classroom.

My department decided to have a couple Algebra Plus classes added to the spring schedule this semester. We have quite a few students that are lacking knowledge in some areas. This class is used to fill gaps that students have so that when they take Algebra I next year, they will succeed. I teach this class and am having to come up with lots of hands-on activities along with no homework. It is a challenge to get the students to where they need to be but it is one that I look forward to meeting.

I hope you enjoy my journey to a technology-based classroom while trying to turn it paperless.
